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Vietnamese delegation visits Ministry of Defence

08:06 June 28, 2022

On Monday, 27 June a delegation from the Ministry of National Defence of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam paid a visit to the Balaton Street building of the Ministry of Defence in Budapest.


Hungarian battalion battlegroup becomes multinational

15:36 March 25, 2022

NATO is deploying land forces to reinforce its defences on its eastern flank. Having attended an Extraordinary NATO Summit held in Brussels, Defence Minister Tibor Benkő spoke about the details in Budapest on 24 March.


Constructive discussions

10:34 February 25, 2022

On Thursday, 24 February the Chief Executive of the European Defence Agency met with the Chief of Staff of the Hungarian Defence Forces Command and the MoD Deputy State Secretary for Defence Policy.

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Successful discussions in the United States

11:56 February 14, 2022

Government Commissioner for Defence Development Dr. Gáspár Maróth and Lieutenant General Romulusz Ruszin-Szendi PhD, Commander, Hungarian Defence Forces held discussions in the United States on domestic defence industry developments and procurements and well as the Russia–Ukraine conflict. After their return home, they held a press conference to provide information about the results.

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Successful discussions in the United States

11:54 February 14, 2022

Government Commissioner for Defence Development Dr. Gáspár Maróth and Lieutenant General Romulusz Ruszin-Szendi PhD, Commander, Hungarian Defence Forces held discussions in the United States on domestic defence industry developments and procurements and well as the Russia–Ukraine conflict. After their return home, they held a press conference to provide information about the results.

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Tibor Benkő Meets with Ukrainian Minister of Defence

19:45 December 23, 2021

Minister of Defence Tibor Benkő met with Minister of Defence of Ukraine Oleksii Reznikov, and Lieutenant General Valerii Zaluzhnyi, Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, military honour at the Ministry of Defence, on Tuesday, 21st December. At the talks the security situation in the region, the crisis in eastern Ukraine, the possibilities of military cooperation, and the situation of the ethnic Hungarian minority in Transcarpathia were discussed among other things.

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Tibor Benkő Meets with Ukrainian Minister of Defence

19:36 December 23, 2021

Minister of Defence Tibor Benkő met with Minister of Defence of Ukraine Oleksii Reznikov, and Lieutenant General Valerii Zaluzhnyi, Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, military honour at the Ministry of Defence, on Tuesday, 21st December. At the talks the security situation in the region, the crisis in eastern Ukraine, the possibilities of military cooperation, and the situation of the ethnic Hungarian minority in Transcarpathia were discussed among other things.

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Ongoing coordination for regional security

10:37 December 22, 2021

Issues related to Headquarters Multinational Division – Centre (HQ MND-C) were discussed by Lieutenant General Ruszin-Szendi Romulusz, Commander of the Hungarian Defence Forces and Major General Denis Tretinjak, Commander of HQ MND-C on 21 December in Budapest.


Steel Birds in the Air, Steel Birds on the Ground

19:09 July 2, 2021

The International Air Show and Military Display will be held in Kecskemét on August 28-29. On Friday, 2nd July, Minister of Defence Tibor Benkő and Major General Romulusz Ruszin-Szendi, Commander of the Hungarian Defence Forces, held a press conference on the most spectacular military event of the year at the 59th Szentgyörgyi Dezső Air Base of the Hungarian Defence Forces.