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Tamás Vargha

21:15 May 24, 2022

Personal details:

Date of birth: 2 February 1959
Marital status: married, a father of four


1987 Loránd Eötvös University of Sciences, English language and literature, secondary school teacher

Professional experience:

2004–2009 János Kodolányi College, Székesfehérvár
1993–1999 Attila József Secondary School, Székesfehérvár
1991–2008 Syntax Language School, Székesfehérvár
1987–1993 Pál Vasvári Secondary School, Székesfehérvár


2010–2018 President, Fejér County Museum Association
1994 Founding member, Defence Forces and Society Friendship Circles
1991 Founding member, Hungarian War Grave Care Association

Political career:

2022– State Secretary of the Ministry of Defence, Deputy Defence Minister
2022– Member of Parliament, Fejér County Electorate No. 1 (Székesfehérvár)
2018–2022 Member of Parliament, Fejér County Electorate No. 1 (Székesfehérvár)
2018–2020 Government commissioner for the House of Árpád Program
2018 Vice-Chairman, National Security Committee of the Hungarian National Assembly
2018–2022 State Secretary for Civil Intelligence, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
2016–2018 Ministerial commissioner for the tasks related to the arrangements for the House of Árpád Program and its implementation
2014–2018 Parliamentary State Secretary, Ministry of Defence, Deputy Defence Minister
2014–2018 Member of Parliament, Fejér County Electorate No. 1 (Székesfehérvár)
2012–2014 Parliamentary State Secretary, Ministry of Defence
2011–2012 Member of the Defence Committee of the Hungarian National Assembly
2010–2012 Chairman of Fejér County Public Assembly
2010–2012 Member of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Hungarian National Assembly
2010–2014 Member of Parliament, Fejér County Electorate No. 2
2008–2010 Counselor in cultural, public and international relations for Székesfehérvár Town with County Rights
2006–2010 Representative of “Upper Town Fecskepart” quarter in the Public Assembly of Székesfehérvár Town with County Rights

NATO (14)

NATO looks back

09:38 January 9, 2023

Like several other organizations, the NATO Multinational Corps Northeast (MNC NE) looks back on last year’s events on its social media page through photos presented by month.

kanadai-magyar 13

Fruitful Canadian–Hungarian cooperation

20:36 December 14, 2022

The Canadian CAE, a high-tech firm at the leading edge of digital immersion, celebrated the 75th anniversary of its foundation in Normafa Event House, Budapest on Monday, 12 December. Having a Hungarian subsidiary company since 2009, this high-tech firm has been working to contribute to the successes of the Hungarian Defence Forces at several points beyond development: through its NATO Flying Training in Canada (NFTC) program to the training of fighter pilots, through the production of simulators for the training of Airbus A319 pilots, and through the simulator training provided for H145M helicopter pilots.

Gion AT - del-koreai 02

South Korea aspires to special strategic partnership with Hungary

13:34 December 13, 2022

On Monday, 12 December Gábor Gion, MoD State Secretary for Strategic Analysis and Human Resources received a delegation from the National Defense Committee of the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea in the Ministry of Defence building on Balaton Street, Budapest. At the meeting, the two sides primarily discussed the possibilities for cooperation in defence industry and innovation.

minister in london

The security of the Western Balkans is the common strategic interest of the United Kingdom and Hungary

10:16 December 13, 2022

The security of the Western Balkans is the common strategic interest of the United Kingdom and Hungary – said Defence Minister Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky in a public media interview after his discussions in London on Monday.

pi ddtbk

Hungarian Brigadier General gets elected as deputy chairman of board of directors of NATO’s DIANA Network

10:13 December 13, 2022

The Board of Directors of the NATO Defence Innovation Accelerator for the North Atlantic (DIANA) network held a meeting on 12 December 2022, where the Hungarian candidate, Brigadier General Dr. Imre Porkoláb, MoD Ministerial Commissioner for Innovation was elected deputy chairman of the Board of Directors.

DND 01

Defence industrial products made in Hungary increase security

16:13 December 12, 2022

The defence industrial products manufactured in Hungary increase security, said Defence Minister Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky in Budapest on Friday, 9 December.

Novak Katalin Irak 09

President of Hungary gives families’ and friends’ gifts to our soldiers serving in Iraq

16:06 December 12, 2022

“The life of our soldiers in Iraq is difficult not only because of the constant threat, but also because these Hungarian soldiers spend Christmas away from their families. I was happy to take with me and give them the personal gifts from their family and friends at home.”, reads the post written on 11 December by President of Hungary Katalin Novák on her Facebook page.

KE irak 03

Katalin Novák and Romulusz Ruszin-Szendi visit Hungarian troops in Iraq

16:03 December 12, 2022

We, Hungarians are pro-peace, we don’t want war, we’d like to have peace in our homes, our country and on our borders – emphasized President of Hungary Katalin Novák on Saturday, 10 December in Erbil military camp, Iraq, where she met Hungarian soldiers.

KE irak 03

Katalin Novák and Romulusz Ruszin-Szendi visit Hungarian troops in Iraq

15:52 December 12, 2022

We, Hungarians are pro-peace, we don’t want war, we’d like to have peace in our homes, our country and on our borders – emphasized President of Hungary Katalin Novák on Saturday, 10 December in Erbil military camp, Iraq, where she met Hungarian soldiers.

kazah-magyar 08

Kazakh–Hungarian cooperation may be taken to the scientific level

15:45 December 12, 2022

The budding scientific cooperation between Kazakhstan and Hungary has reached another milestone: The co-chairs-level meeting of the Hungarian–Kazakh Science Diplomacy Working Group (SDWG) took place in the MoD Military History, Institute and Museum, Budapest on Thursday, 8 December.