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Tamás Vargha

21:15 May 24, 2022

Personal details:

Date of birth: 2 February 1959
Marital status: married, a father of four


1987 Loránd Eötvös University of Sciences, English language and literature, secondary school teacher

Professional experience:

2004–2009 János Kodolányi College, Székesfehérvár
1993–1999 Attila József Secondary School, Székesfehérvár
1991–2008 Syntax Language School, Székesfehérvár
1987–1993 Pál Vasvári Secondary School, Székesfehérvár


2010–2018 President, Fejér County Museum Association
1994 Founding member, Defence Forces and Society Friendship Circles
1991 Founding member, Hungarian War Grave Care Association

Political career:

2022– State Secretary of the Ministry of Defence, Deputy Defence Minister
2022– Member of Parliament, Fejér County Electorate No. 1 (Székesfehérvár)
2018–2022 Member of Parliament, Fejér County Electorate No. 1 (Székesfehérvár)
2018–2020 Government commissioner for the House of Árpád Program
2018 Vice-Chairman, National Security Committee of the Hungarian National Assembly
2018–2022 State Secretary for Civil Intelligence, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
2016–2018 Ministerial commissioner for the tasks related to the arrangements for the House of Árpád Program and its implementation
2014–2018 Parliamentary State Secretary, Ministry of Defence, Deputy Defence Minister
2014–2018 Member of Parliament, Fejér County Electorate No. 1 (Székesfehérvár)
2012–2014 Parliamentary State Secretary, Ministry of Defence
2011–2012 Member of the Defence Committee of the Hungarian National Assembly
2010–2012 Chairman of Fejér County Public Assembly
2010–2012 Member of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Hungarian National Assembly
2010–2014 Member of Parliament, Fejér County Electorate No. 2
2008–2010 Counselor in cultural, public and international relations for Székesfehérvár Town with County Rights
2006–2010 Representative of “Upper Town Fecskepart” quarter in the Public Assembly of Székesfehérvár Town with County Rights

V4HRB 06

Defence industry cooperation, migration and the Ukraine–Russia tension

07:59 January 31, 2022

On Friday, 28 January the meeting of the defence and law enforcement committees of the parliaments of the V4 countries and Slovenia took place in Kölcsey Centre, Debrecen. The speakers of the meeting, among others, included Lieutenant General Romulusz Ruszin-Szendi PhD, Commander, Hungarian Defence Forces as well.

mhpkh izrael (1)

Deputy Commander of Hungarian Defence Forces visits Israel

16:25 January 28, 2022

Between 23–27 January Major General Zsolt Sándor, Deputy Commander, Hungarian Defence Forces paid a visit to Israel, where he represented Hungary at a senior leaders’ meeting organized as part of the Battalion Commanders’ Course (V4 BCC) offered to the Visegrád Four (V4) countries.

bal alsó 1 soros másolata(1)

Minister of Defence greets members of Budapest Military Attaché Corps

11:33 January 28, 2022

On Thursday, 27 January Defence Minister Tibor Benkő greeted the members of the Budapest Military Attaché Corps at a traditional New Year’s toast in Stefánia Palace – Military Cultural Centre in Budapest.

miniszter attase 03

Minister of Defence greets military attachés

11:17 January 28, 2022

“The soldiers’ job is always the service of peace”, said Defence Minister Tibor Benkő at a reception held in honor of the members of the Budapest Military Attaché Corps (BMAC) in Budapest on 27 January.

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Minister of Defence greets military attachés

11:10 January 28, 2022

“The soldiers’ job is always the service of peace”, said Defence Minister Tibor Benkő at a reception held in honor of the members of the Budapest Military Attaché Corps (BMAC) in Budapest on 27 January.

mndc 07

Start-of-the-year staff meeting at HQ MND-C

10:53 January 27, 2022

On 24 January, the Headquarters Multinational Division-Centre held this year’s first staff meeting at Alba Regia barracks in Székesfehérvár. During the event, several personnel received recognitions and were promoted, and the new members were introduced as well.


Minister of defence holds discussion about political and military developments of Operation Takuba

08:34 January 25, 2022

On Monday, 24 January Defence Minister Dr. Tibor Benkő had a bilateral phone conversation with French Minister of the Armed Forces Florence Parly.


Further strengthening Hungarian–Polish military relations

15:00 January 24, 2022

The ministries of defence of Hungary and Poland signed a bilateral military cooperation agreement on 19 January in Budapest. On behalf of the Hungarian side, Colonel László Hajnik, Head of Department for International Cooperation, Ministry of Defence, and, on behalf of the Polish side, Polish Defence Attaché Colonel Tomasz Trzciński signed the agreement of cooperation.

Hejce_megemlékezés (nyitó)

We must preserve and cherish their memory

14:55 January 24, 2022

“The Hungarian people will preserve and cherish the soldiers’ memory forever”, said Defence Minister Tibor Benkő in Hejce on 19 January. Speaking at a military honors ceremony, the minister of defence of Hungary underlined that soldiers offer the noblest thing, their own lives for their nation, which is why we must think of them with pride.

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Hungarian and French defence policy directors meet in Paris

14:08 January 24, 2022

The Hungarian and the French defence policy directors recently meet in Paris to discuss the future of European defence, current issues in defence policy and the possibilities for developing bilateral relations.