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Lieutenant General Attila Géza Takács

12:14 June 6, 2023

Date of rank: 15. March 2020

Personal information:

  • Date of birth: 27. April 1968. Miskolc
  • Family Status: married, one child
  • Nationality: Hungarian


  • 2015 NATO Defense College
  • 2008 NATO School (CREVAL)
  • 2006-2007 Military Senior Leader course at the Zrínyi Miklós National Defense University
  • 1997-1999 Zrínyi Miklós National Defense University 
  • 1992 COY Leader Course in Switzerland 
  • 1986-1989  Kossuth Lajos Military College in Szentendre - mechanized infantry faculty


  • 2011-2013 Hungarian Defence Forces, National Military Representative, (Colonel) - MONS (Belgium) 
  • 2001-2002 HDF KFOR Guard and Security Battalion in Pristina commander (Lieutenant Colonel)

Military Career:

  • 2023 – Deputy Chief of Defence Staff
  • 2022 – 2023 Defence Attaché (Major General) London
  • 2020 – 2022 Hungarian Defence Forces Command, Army Inspectorate, Inspector (Major General) - Budapest 
  • 2016 – 2019 Hungarian Defence Forces, Military Augmentation, Preparation and Training Command, Commander (Brigadier General) - Budapest
  • 2013 – 2016 Hungarian Defence Forces, 5th Bocskai István Infantry Brigade, Commander (Brigadier General) - Debrecen 
  • 2010 – 2013 Hungarian Defence Forces, National Military Representative, SHAPE Deputy of National Military Representative (Colonel) - MONS (Belgium)
  • 2008 – 2010 Hungarian Defence Forces Joint Force Command, Chief J3/J7, (Colonel) - Székesfehérvár 
  • 2005 – 2007 Hungarian Defence Forces 5th “Bocskai István” Light Infantry Brigade, Chief of Staff (Colonel) - Debrecen
  • 2003 – 2005 Hungarian Defence Forces 5th “Bocskai István” Light Infantry Brigade, DCOS OPS (Lieutenant Colonel) – Debrecen 
  • 1999 – 2002 Hungarian Defence Forces 5th “Bocskai István” Mechanized Infantry Brigade Chief G-3 (Major) – Debrecen 
  • 1995 – 1997 Hungarian Defence Forces 5th “Bocskai István” Mechanized Infantry Brigade, Battalion Commander (Captain) – Debrecen 
  • 1990 – 1995 Mechanized Brigade, Company Commander (1st Lieutenant) – Mezőtúr, Debrecen 
  • 1989 – 1990 Mechanized Brigade, Platoon Leader (2nd Lieutenant) - Nagykanizsa

Medals and Decorations:

  • 2020 “Ehrenkreuz der Bundeswehr” Gold grade
  • 2019 “Legion of Merit” (USA)
  • 2016 Order of Merit of the Hungarian Republic Knight’s Cross
  • 2013  NATO Service Medal 
  • 2007 Service Decoration for Merit decorated with laurel wreath
  • 2000-2004 Service Decoration for Merit Gold, Silver, Bronze grade 
  • 2002 Service Medal for Peacekeeping (KOSOVO)
  • 1996, 2006, 2016 Officer’s Service Decoration (I. II. III)

Foreign languages:

  • English: STANAG 3333
  • German: Intermediate „A”
CSI 08

Military Policemen on a hot trail – CSI Hungary

13:21 October 12, 2023

In late September, led by Captain Michaela Lang, a four-man training team of the Ulm-based Feldjägerregiment (“Field Hunter” Regiment) of the Bundeswehr held a military Crime Scene Investigation (CSI) course for nominated personnel of the HDF Military Police Regiment at the Püspöszilágy training base.

sport allamtitkarsag 03

Anti-doping fight has an outstanding role in Hungary

13:17 October 12, 2023

The anti-doping monitoring group of the Council of Europe recently paid a visit to the Ministry of Defence State Secretariat for Sport, where its members were introduced to Hungary’s anti-doping activities in the framework of professional days. Speaking about the visit, Secretary of State for Sports Dr. Ádám Schmidt pointed out that our country plays an outstanding role in the anti-doping fight on an international scale as well.


Cross Landing 2023

13:45 October 10, 2023

The airmen of the HDF 86th Helicopter Wing recently participated in a Hungarian–Romanian air search and rescue exercise.


We need as many troops as possible to defend the homeland

10:00 October 10, 2023

“To defend the homeland, we need as many troops as possible, and a strong, modern military force as well. In these grave hours, Israel is setting an example in this regard”, said Defence Minister Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky at the International Pro-Israel Summit organized by the Center for Fundamental Rights in Budapest on 9 October.


Hungarian Defence Forces aircraft bring home another 110 people from Israel

09:32 October 10, 2023

Carrying aboard110 people evacuated from Tel Aviv, the Airbus A319 transport aircraft of the Hungarian Defence Forces landed at Liszt Ferenc International Airport, Budapest a couple of minutes after 13:00 on 9 October.

izraeli mentoakcio 08

Hungarian air force evacuates 325 people from Israel in governmental rescue operation

12:38 October 9, 2023

During the night, the Hungarian air force evacuated altogether 325 people – including 46 children – from Israel aboard three aircraft, in the framework of a governmental rescue operation, announced Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó on Monday, 9 October in Budapest.

NATO legiforgalmi iranyitok 03

NATO Air Traffic Management Advisors meet in Hungary

11:41 October 9, 2023

Drawing a great interest, the NATO Air Traffic Management CNS Advisory Group is holding its 2023 autumn meeting with the participation of air navigation experts from 22 nations in Budapest on 5-6 October. Having accepted our country’s offer, the group is meeting outside the Brussels headquarters of the North Atlantic Alliance for the first time in its history.

deci 04

Defence Cooperation Initiative expands with North Macedonia

11:13 October 6, 2023

This year, Croatia hosted the 11th CHODs’ Meeting of the Defence Cooperation Initiative (DECI) between 3–4 October. Organized for the 11th time, the meeting held in Zagreb saw a new member, North Macedonia joining the Italy-led cooperation initiative that now brings together eight countries.


Hungarian commander at the helm of EUFOR

08:57 October 4, 2023

Hungarian Major General Dr. László Sticz will lead EUFOR – the European Union’s Operation Althea in Bosnia-Herzegovina – for a year starting from January 2024, announced Defence Minister Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky.


NATO delegation visits Hungary

11:55 October 3, 2023

In the last week of September, headed by National Military Representative of Hungary to NATO Lieutenant General Zoltán Mihócza, a NATO delegation from the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) was staying in Hungary.