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Minister _ Tata (1)_nyito

PzH: More than 500 applicants

13:55 February 14, 2024

More than 500 young people have applied to serve in Tata in the framework of the recruitment campaign “Man to the hardware!”. The final personnel will be selected from among them, said Defence Minister Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky in Tata on 13 February, the inprocessing day of the personnel applying to enlist into the 1st Self-Propelled Artillery Battalion of the Hungarian Defence Forces 1st Armored Brigade.


Ready to Prove on the 25th Anniversary of Joining NATO

10:04 January 12, 2024

Hungary is going to prove again that it can be a good president for the Council of the European Union, said President of Hungary Katalin Novák in the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest on 10 January, where she greeted the members of the diplomatic corps accredited to Hungary.

Sticz másolat

The Hungarian Defence Forces are capable of leading a NATO operation

14:14 January 8, 2024

The Hungarian Defence Forces have already proved that they are capable of leading an outstanding NATO operation – said Major General László Sticz, PhD, the new commander of the EUFOR Althea mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina on the M1’s current channel on Wednesday, 3 January.

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The 2024 national defence budget guarantees the security of Hungarian citizens

13:40 January 8, 2024

The 2024 budget opens up new horizons for the Hungarian Defence Forces, therefore, the military reform unique according to European standards can be carried on, and more resources are provided to increase the respect for soldiers in the new year – the defence minister said.


Hungarian–Turkish Joint Venture Being Formed

12:31 December 19, 2023

The Rába Jármű Ltd., part of the business portfolio of the vehicle industry company Rába Járműipari Holding Nyrt. and the Nurol Makina Hungary Ltd., the Hungarian subsidiary company of the Turkish Nurol Makina ve Sanayi A.S. signed documents to establish the Hungarian–Turkish joint venture named Gidran Armored Vehicles Ltd. on Monday, 18 December – wrote the Győr-based vehicle producing company on the website of the Budapest Stock Exchange (BSE) on Monday.

EUFOR kibocsato 01

The Peace of the Balkans is Ours as well

10:40 December 19, 2023

“The peace of the Balkans is ours as well, as without the peace of Bosnia and Herzegovina, there is no peace for the Western Balkans, nor for Hungary” – said the defence minister at the EUFOR ALTHEA launching ceremony in Bálna Defence Centre, Budapest on Monday.

kulturalis bizottsag 02

Sport Has Grown into a Strategic Field

11:26 November 30, 2023

In the recent past, sport has grown into a strategic field in Hungary, we have got closer to becoming a sports nation – said Defence Minister Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky in the Committee on Culture of the National Assembly on Tuesday.


The Establishment of the Hungarian Defence Industry is of Strategic Importance

09:51 November 24, 2023

It is of strategic importance to continue to set up and strengthen the Hungarian defence industry; the sector provides another great possibility to the Hungarian economy – emphasized Defence Minister Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky at the press release following his discussion with the Turkish Minister of Industry and Technology Mehmet Fatih Kacir in Budapest.


The Security of Chad is in the Interest of Both Hungary and Europe

12:22 November 22, 2023

The security of Chad is especially important with regard to the whole of the Sahel, but it is also in the interest of both Hungary and Europe – stated Defence Minister Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky related to the Hungarian military mission in Chad. The Minister received Dago Yacoub, Defence Minister of the Republic of Chad in Budapest on Tuesday.