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Zsolt Barthel-Rúzsa

20:09 April 29, 2023
2022_02_25 Medálparádé_resized_05

Medal parade in Kosovo

12:21 March 2, 2022

Nearing the end of their tour of duty abroad, the soldiers of the 25th rotation of the HDF KFOR Contingent received their NATO medals in Camp Novo Selo.


Qatari ambassador pays introductory visit

12:16 March 2, 2022

On Tuesday, 1 March Abdullah Falah Al-Dosari, the ambassador of the State of Qatar to Budapest paid an introductory visit to Defence Minister Tibor Benkő.


Minster of Defence receives Tunisia’s ambassador to Hungary

12:12 March 2, 2022

On 1 March in Budapest, Defence Minister Tibor Benkő received Abdelkarim Hermi, the ambassador of the Republic of Tunisia to Budapest on a courtesy call.


SACEUR Certifies Hungarian National Troop Contribution

11:34 February 27, 2022

Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR), General Tod D. Wolters, certified Hungarian troops readiness for potential NATO duties on Wednesday, Feb. 23, 2022, after accepting a recommendation from the Commander of NATO's Allied Land Command, Lieutenant General Roger L. Cloutier Jr.


Minister of Defence holds discussion with British Special Envoy to the Western Balkans

15:46 February 25, 2022

Hungary and the United Kingdom consider it very important to preserve the stability and security of the Western Balkans, which also has a prominent role in Hungarian–British cooperation. Among other things, this topic was on the agenda for discussion between Air Chief Marshal Sir Stuart Peach, the British Prime Minister’s Special Envoy and Defence Minister Tibor Benkő.


Tibor Benkő holds discussion on current issues in NATO’s education system

10:46 February 25, 2022

On Thursday, 24 February Defence Minister Tibor Benkő received, on a courtesy call, CSM Ludek Kolesa, the NATO Defence Education Enhancement Program (DEEP) coordinator responsible for NCO training. This week, the Ministry of Defence in Budapest is hosting an expert-level NATO workshop, which primarily aims at enabling the Alliance to provide a uniform and stable starting point for member and partner countries regarding its education system.


Constructive discussions

10:34 February 25, 2022

On Thursday, 24 February the Chief Executive of the European Defence Agency met with the Chief of Staff of the Hungarian Defence Forces Command and the MoD Deputy State Secretary for Defence Policy.


Defence Ministers of NATO’s eastern flank condemn Russian aggression

10:27 February 25, 2022

In the evening of 24 February, defence ministers of NATO’s eastern flank held an extraordinary meeting to discuss the emerging situation in Ukraine. During the meeting, the ministers condemned the Russian aggression, informed each other about the activities of national armed forces and discussed the collective steps taken in NATO.


Commander of NATO Allied Land Command visits Hungary

09:04 February 24, 2022

Lieutenant General Roger L. Cloutier, Commander, NATO Allied Land Command (LANDCOM) recently arrived in Hungary on a several-day visit. The high-ranking guest was received by the commander of the Hungarian Defence Forces on a courtesy call in Budapest. He visited Székesfehérvár, where he met with the leaders of the NATO Force Integration Unit Hungary (NFIU HUN) and the Headquarters Multinational Division-Centre (HQ MND-C), and then went to Tata to meet the troops of the HDF 25th György Klapka Infantry Brigade.

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Commander of NATO Allied Land Command visited Székesfehérvár

13:12 February 23, 2022

Lt. Gen. Roger L. Cloutier, commander of NATO Allied Land Command visited Heaquarters Multinational Division – Centre (HQ MND-C) on 22nd February.